
The Center's research program is formed annually on the basis of discussions with representatives of interested state bodies, companies and the scientific community.

Research principles

Complete confidentiality
Customer-centric agility
Use of risk-oriented and multi-factor approach
Long-term and short-term research
Engagement of Russian and foreign subject-matter experts from different disciplines

Public International Law

The priority areas of the Center's research in the field of Public International Law are determined according to the criteria of (1) strategic importance for the interests of the State and Russian business, (2) the practical significance of the results. One of the main objectives of the research is to prepare recommendations for improving Russian legislation that implements international legal obligations of the Russian Federation, or necessary for the implementation of its rights, the rights of Russian citizens and legal entities under international law, including the use of foreign legal experience.

Research Priorities

International law and the Arctic
Sanctions and countermeasures: international law aspests and implementation at the national level
Territorial disputes and their resolution options
International investment laws
International law in the area of climate change and protection of the environment
Other matters of public concern affecting the Russian Federation and large business in Russia
International law and access to the World Ocean resources
Current issues of international humanitarian law
International trade law
Russian Federation practice in international law

Private International Law and Comparative Law

Research in the field of Private International Law and Comparative Law is determined by the issues that are (1) subject of the latest discussions and regulation in foreign legal orders and on the international arena, (2) most demanded in terms of building up-to-date infrastructure for economic development in the Russian Federation, the implementation of processes and opening markets of strategic importance for the competitiveness of the Russian economy

Research focus:

New approaches to certification and standardization of innovative materials and technologies
Securitization methods
Digital economy and digitalization of legal relations
Legal regulation of national and cross-border insolvency
Alternative (out-of-court) dispute resolution
Legal regulation of financing contractual models
Improvement of private-public partnership and concession mechanisms
Legal regulation of technology consortia
Legal regulation of financial technology (FinTech)
Other matters of public concern affecting the Russian Federation and large business in Russia
Improvement of legal regulation of financial markets, including derivatives and securities markets (legal prerequisites for creation of financial infrastructure)

Completed research projects

The Center uses the integrated approach in project implementation, acting as an "information broker": it establishes a platform for coordination among all parties interested in the project (e.g. government agencies and business) and creates working groups of Russian and, if necessary, foreign experts

Among the completed projects:

  • Climate Change Regulations: Global Practice and Perspectives. Read
  • Experimental Legal Regimes in Russia and in Foreign CountriesConclusions
  • Cape Town Convention and its Protocols. Advantages and Risks of Joining MAC Protocol. Conclusions
  • Legal Regulation of Certain Issues Related to Vaccination. Read
  • COVID-19 — Test for the World’s Legal Systems. Read
  • Appointment of Insolvency Officers in Russia and Foreign Jurisdictions. Read
  • COVID-19 and International Law. Overview of Publications. Issue 4. Read
  • Legal Regulation of Public Non-Financial Reporting in Foreign Countries. Read
  • Rules for Digital Trade: the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA). Read
  • COVID-19 and International Law. Overview of Publications. Issue 3. Read
  • COVID-19 and International Law. Overview of Publications. Issue 2. Read
  • COVID-19 and International Law. Overview of Publications. Read
  • Prospects of regulation of cross-border insolvency in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): conditions and prerequisites, legal risks, search for the optimal model (in Russian). Read
  • Analysis of the regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) procedures of non-credit financial institutions and relevant law enforcement practices in foreign legal systems. The most effective approaches (in Russian)Read
  • Subsidiary liability of persons controlling the debtor and beneficiaries (in Russian)Read
  • Research on foreign experience in regulating inter-budgetary relations (in Russian). Read
  • Foreign regulation in the field of seizure of privately held land for public use (in Russian). Read
  • Comparative legal study of the legislation on regulation of negative impact on the environment, economic incentives for responsible environmental management, compensation for environmental damage and waste management in the Russian Federation and foreign countries (in Russian). Research summary; Annex

The Center has held more than 120 research projects for the state bodies and business